Hot TubInvercargill
The Invercargill is our top of the range Hot Tub in the 2 metre range.
Holding five people, with one recliner seat and 41 stainless steel jets, three moulded headrests and a great surround LED lighting system, this is an excellent value Hot Tub to grace any garden or outdoor space.
- 41 Stainless Steel Water Jets
- Balboa GS501 Controller
- 1 Recliner Seat
- 0.5 HP Circulation Pump
- 3hp Boost Pump
- 3Kw Heater
- 50 sqft Weir Skim Filter
- Divertor and Air Controls
- 3 Moulded Headrests
- Surround LED Light System
- Ozone Purification System
- Waterfall
- Low maintenance synthetic wood cabinet
- 1200 litres
- 280 kg
- 16/32 Amp
- 1980 x 1980 x 830
- ABS Base
- Holds 5 people
Price: £6,250
Product Code: Invercargill1

Your colour choices

Silver Marble





Mystic Emerald

Grey Marble